• November 28, 2020 - February 28, 2021
  • Paper Submission
  • June 18, 2021 - July 1, 2021
  • Conference Registration

2021 China Financial Research Conference

Best Paper Award

Ownership Networks and Firm Growth: What Do Forty Million Companies Tell Us About the Chinese Economy?

Franklin Allen, Imperial College London

Junhui Cai, University of Pennsylvania

Xian Gu, Durham University

Jun Qian, Fudan University

Linda Zhao, University of Pennsylvania

Wu Zhu, University of Pennsylvania

Taming the Bias Zoo

Hongqi Liu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Cameron Peng, The London School of Economics and Political Science

Wei Xiong, Princeton University

Wei Xiong, Shenzhen Stock Exchange


陆   瑶,清华大学

彭   章,清华大学


2021 China Financial Research Conference

New Structural Financial Economics Best Paper Award

Monetary Policy Transmission with Heterogeneous Banks and Firms: The Case of China

Guofeng Sun, The People's Bank Of China

Ji Zhang, Tsinghua University

Xiaodong Zhu, University of Toronto